The BC Energy Step Code Events Calendar is no longer being updated. Please visit the BC Green Building Event Calendar instead.

ONLINE 320: Comparing Passive House with B.C. and national codes.

This 2-hour, online course will compare and contrast the proposed National Energy Code with the BC Energy Step Code, Passive House, and others. With proposed changes coming nationally and provincially, it will be important for all industry professionals and builders to understand the key differences between the standards and the metrics that they reference. Each … Continued

Pattern Language: How to design + build high-performance buildings at the lowest possible cost


Overview "A Pattern Language from Passive House" is an interactive workshop that teaches cost-effective planning and design of affordable, low-emission, mid-rise, multi-unit, wood-framed housing. This four-part workshop presents design problems … Continued

CESA 1505: Zero-Energy Buildings All-in-One

This 48-hour course (equivalent to CESA 1001, CESA 1110, CESA 1120 and CESA 1140 combined at a 25% discount) will provide a comprehensive study of Part 9 residential Zero Energy Buildings (ZEBs) to ensure … Continued

How to sell a high-performance home

A free online event hosted by ZEBx. Overview Whether you’re a green building buff or starting your first zero emission project, strategic marketing that elevates your brand, generates demand, and … Continued