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Introduction to Step Code: Mechanical system solutions
June 3, 2021 @ 4:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Free three-part webinar series hosted by the Community Energy Association.
BC Building Codes are evolving and we want you to know how to benefit. It is part of the Building A Legacy initiative, delivered by Community Energy Association, presented by the BCIT Zero Energy Buildings Learning Centre (ZEBLC), funded by BC Hydro.
Intended audience: Builders, designers, HVAC professionals, building officials, municipal staff, and others in the BC construction community, province-wide.
Dates and time
This three-part series is offered:
- April 8, May 6, June 3
- Time: 9:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m. PST
Session 1: April 8, 2021
Part 1 of this series will examine the current industry challenges and solutions to help ensure that new homes have mechanical systems that are appropriate, right-sized, and deliver effective ventilation, heating, cooling, and occupant health and comfort. T
Session 2: May 6, 2021
Part 2 of this series will explore the top 3 things you need to know about:
- Load calculations
- Design documentation
- Tendering
- Installation and Commissioning
Session 3: June 3, 2021
Part 3 of this series will examine a Step 5, Net-Zero Ready Home in depth. An in-session exercise will explore:
- Could this house meet Step 5 in any B.C. climate zone?
- Various energy models in various climate zones, with lessons learned
Registration and More Information
- Pre-register for all sessions at:
- For more information email