The BC Energy Step Code Events Calendar is no longer being updated. Please visit the BC Green Building Event Calendar instead.

BCIT: CESA 1501 Passive House tradesperson, envelope specialization

Online , Canada

Course details This 48-hour course will provide a comprehensive study of residential Passive House construction to ensure that that builders, site supervisors, general contractors, tradespeople, and designers or consultants have the applied knowledge to build to the Passive House standard. Students will learn from industry experts and develop an applied understanding of the Passive House … Continued

CACEA’s Integrated Design Process Module 1

Online , Canada

Webinar offered by the Canadian Association of Consulting Energy Advisors or CACEA. Webinar description In this webinar on the Integrated Design Process (IPD), an IDP expert will describe the general concepts and uses for an IDP  so that you can determine if you have what it takes to explore this role further and apply for … Continued

A pattern language from Passive House Canada: July 2021

Online , Canada

Online course offered by Passive House Canada on how to design and build high-performance multi-unit buildings at the lowest possible cost Course description “A Pattern Language from Passive House” is an interactive workshop that teaches cost-effective planning and design of affordable, low-emission, mid-rise, multi-unit, wood-framed housing. This four-part workshop presents design problems common to multi-unit … Continued

Developer/builder recipes for low-cost, all-electric, Step 4 residential construction

Online , Canada

Part of ZEBx's Decarb Lunch Series. Description At ZEBx's June Decarb Lunch, they presented ZEBx’s in-depth analysis of construction costs for high-performance multi-unit residential buildings in BC. Of the seven buildings in the study, two all-electric, Step 4 buildings were constructed for well under the average cost of similar code-minimum residential buildings in the area. Both … Continued