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Lessons Learned from CACEA’s NRCan CBAT/HTAP Project
November 24, 2020 @ 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Webinar hosted by the Canadian Association of Consulting Energy Advisors.
Lessons Learned from CACEA’s NRCan’s CBAT/HTAP Project: Costing High-Performance Housing Energy Conservation Measures
Project participants Mark Rosen, Toby Smith and Einar Halbig will share their insights and experience using the Cost Benefit Analysis Tool (CBAT) and the Housing Technology Assessment Platform (HTAP) directly with builders. During this interactive presentation they will:
- share some of the outcomes
- discuss suggested next steps for the tools, the association and EAs, and
- answer your questions about the tools.
This webinar is open to members (free). Want to take advantage of this and other CACEA member benefits? Join CACEA now.
From 9 – 10 a.m. Pacific (12 noon to 1 p.m. ET)