Archives: Events
The BC Energy Step Code Events Calendar is no longer being updated. Please visit the BC Green Building Event Calendar instead.
Week of Events
Introduction to Passive House Canada
Introduction to Passive House Canada
Free online webinar offered by Passive House Canada. Description An intro to the Passive House standard. In this conversation, we will chat with Passive House Canada’s CEO, Chris Ballard and … Continued
BCIT: CESA 0100 Introduction to zero energy/low-TEDI buildings design process (Part 3 buildings)
BCIT: CESA 0100 Introduction to zero energy/low-TEDI buildings design process (Part 3 buildings)
This interactive, online course will focus on detail options to mitigate thermal bridging, and will explore the following topics: Overview of the BC Energy Step Code for Part 3 Buildings … Continued
BCIT: CESA 0100 Introduction to zero energy/low-TEDI buildings design process (Part 3 buildings)
BCIT: CESA 0100 Introduction to zero energy/low-TEDI buildings design process (Part 3 buildings)
This interactive, online course will focus on detail options to mitigate thermal bridging, and will explore the following topics: Overview of the BC Energy Step Code for Part 3 Buildings Thermal bridging review and examples Design strategies to achieve zero energy ready buildings Related considerations, including costing, constructability, and site quality control The online course … Continued