Archives: Events
7 events found.
The BC Energy Step Code Events Calendar is no longer being updated. Please visit the BC Green Building Event Calendar instead.
Week of Events
CESA 1140: Zero Energy Buildings: Mechanical Systems Details (Residential)
CESA 1140: Zero Energy Buildings: Mechanical Systems Details (Residential)
This course will assist builders, contractors, and designers to advance their understanding of the design, installation, and verification practices needed to realize performance of HVAC mechanical equipment and meet the … Continued
TOL Builder Forum Series: Airtightness Techniques and Heat Pump Best Practices
TOL Builder Forum Series: Airtightness Techniques and Heat Pump Best Practices
Online Webinar On November 19, 2020 the Township of Langley will be hosting a builder forum to share information related to airtightness techniques for Steps 3, 4, and 5, and … Continued
ZEBx NZER Challenge Design Workshop
ZEBx NZER Challenge Design Workshop
Free webinar courtesy of ZEBx While the decision to build a net-zero energy-ready building often makes sense from both an economic and a climate perspective, achieving this in practice does … Continued