Archives: Events
The BC Energy Step Code Events Calendar is no longer being updated. Please visit the BC Green Building Event Calendar instead.
Week of Events
120B: Understanding & Working with PHPP – Victoria Nov 1-3, 2019
Course Description Understanding and Working with PHPP will enable you to take on your first Passive House project. It provides step-by-step instruction for using the PHPP energy modelling software, which is essential for designing a Passive House building. Participants will learn the structure, inputs and outputs of PHPP, and how to select appropriate climate data … Continued
Energy Auditing and Carbon Accounting
Energy Auditing and Carbon Accounting
Offered by Engineers and Geoscientists British Columbia (EGBC), this course is designed in response to the emerging demand for proficiency in monitoring the performance of energy systems, improving energy efficiencies, and reducing GHG emissions. Location Offered in in-person in Vancouver, B.C. and by webinar. Course Description This course will provide professionals with the necessary skills … Continued
Strategic & Cost-Effective Step Code Compliance for Part 9 Buildings
Strategic & Cost-Effective Step Code Compliance for Part 9 Buildings
Half-day course offered by ICBA: October 29 in Burnaby November 7 in Victoria November 18 in Kelowna Course Description You've likely attended one or more Step Code info sessions but, … Continued
2019 BCBEC Conference & AGM: Adapting to Change – Building Resilient Enclosures
2019 BCBEC Conference & AGM: Adapting to Change – Building Resilient Enclosures
BCBEC invites you to stay connected, current and inspired! In the pursuit to build higher, faster and more cost-effectively, we must adapt to changes in the building envelope industry: changes in building regulations, performance requirements, construction methods, climate conditions and more. This year’s conference provides a platform for industry-wide dialogue on these challenges as we … Continued