The BC Energy Step Code Events Calendar is no longer being updated. Please visit the BC Green Building Event Calendar instead.


120A: Passive House Design and Construction – Victoria Sep 19 – 21 2019

theDock 300-722 Cormorant Street, Victoria

Course Description 120A: Passive House Design and Construction is a four-day course that covers the technical, economic and policy elements of Passive House buildings. Participants will learn how to apply Passive House principles in the context of building physics, windows and mechanical systems. Numerous case studies, both domestic and international, will be used to demonstrate … Continued

120B: Understanding and Working with the Passive House Planning Package (PHPP) – Vancouver 19-21 Sept 2019

BCIT Downtown Campus 555 Seymour Street, Vancouver

Course Description Understanding and Working with PHPP will enable you to take on your first Passive House project. It provides step-by-step instruction for using the PHPP energy modelling software, which is essential for designing a Passive House building. Participants will learn the structure, inputs and outputs of PHPP, and how to select appropriate climate data … Continued