The BC Energy Step Code Events Calendar is no longer being updated. Please visit the BC Green Building Event Calendar instead.

Design and Modelling Strategies for Step 4 and Passive House MURBs

BC Hydro Office, Dun01 Auditorium 333 Dunsmuir Street, Vancouver

Join ZEBx, in partnership with BC Hydro and IBPSA-BC for a breakfast discussion to facilitate alignment amongst industry on what it takes to model (and design) Step 4 and Passive House (PH) multi-unit residential buildings (MURBs). Step 4 and PH levels of performance are putting pressure on projects to pursue numerous and deep energy efficiency … Continued


Building Smart with Insulating Walls and Roofs

How do you attach cladding over exterior insulation? Do unvented roofs work? Is spray foam the solution? Join the authors of BC Housing’s guide to R22+ effective walls and guide to R30+ effective roofs for this Building Smart seminar where attendees will learn about how to insulate wood-frame walls and roofs. Presenters will discuss methods … Continued