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W25- Implementing the B.C. Energy Step Code: Lessons Learned and Next Steps on the Path to Net-Zero New Construction
February 14, 2018 @ 8:00 pm to 9:30 pm
$55[Building Code & Envelope Solutions; Building Performance, Energy Efficiency & Environment; Project Planning, Management & Best Practices; Legal, Regulatory & Risk Management; Property Management; Business & Strategic Planning]
[ BOMI 1.5 CPDs • 1.5 HSW-Building Code Hours IDCEC Approved • AIBC 1.5 Core LUs • 1.5 CPD BC Housing Recognized ]
The Climate Leadership Plan sets a target that every new building must be net-zero ready by 2032. The B.C. Energy Step Code, launched last summer, is intended to provide a framework and roadmap for how we will meet that goal. It creates predictable steps for builders and local governments to follow, allowing local governments to set new energy-efficiency requirements that are consistent across the province.
Six months after its release, what lessons have we learned from local governments and builders that have adopted the B.C. Energy Step Code? What comes next for provincial and local policies to encourage high performance construction? What tools and training are available for builders to be ready for the new code?