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120B: The Passive House Planning Package (PHPP)
June 17, 2020 @ 4:00 pm to June 19, 2020 @ 8:00 pm
Wednesday, Jun 17 – Friday Jun 19, 2020 – 9am to 1pm (PST) each day
Wednesday Jun 24 – Friday Jun 26, 2020- 9am to 1pm (PST) each day
If you are interested in taking one of our courses, but need some payment flexibility, we can help. You can now pay 50% of the course fee when you register and the balance within 45 days. Email us to inquire at
*Post-secondary students can enjoy a 30% discount. Simply email your valid student ID to and obtain the promo code.
Course description
Understanding and Working with PHPP will enable you to take on your first Passive House project. It provides step-by-step instruction for using the PHPP energy modelling software, which is essential for designing a Passive House building.
Participants will learn the structure, inputs and outputs of PHPP, and how to select appropriate climate data sets and record building measurements. The course includes modelling a sample Canadian project, where participants will assess building heat loss, energy demand and summertime overheating risk, as well as looking at the reliability of data sources and how design decisions impact the building energy demand.
- Introduction and overview of PHPP, treated floor areas and U-values for assemblies
- Heat loss areas and thermal bridging calculations
- Ground calculations and energy implications
- Window components and inputs, shading, ventilation volumes and airflow
- Heating demand and load, summer cooling requirements and ventilation
- Domestic hot water energy, electrical and other energy demands, renewable energy (PER)
Recommended for
- Those who will be directly involved in the design, construction and energy modelling of Passive House buildings, including architects, engineers and design professionals.
- Anyone pursuing the Certified Passive House Designer/Consultant designation
Learning resources provided
- PHPP demonstration files
- Digital copy of course slides
- Access to a private LinkedIn discussion group
- Webinar recordings
Prerequisites/required knowledge and equipment/software
- 120A: Passive House Design and Construction, or equivalent
- Laptop with Microsoft Excel or equivalent installed (PHPP is Excel based), mouse recommended
- Area measurement software such as Autodesk Design Review (free) or Bluebeam Revu (free trial)
- Although PHPP demonstration files will be provided for use during the course, we recommend you purchase the PHPP software prior to attending the course. The PHPP manual is provided with the purchase of the software and is useful in understanding all of the features. In addition, individuals wishing to write the Certified Passive House Designer/Consultant Exam are required to supply a valid PHPP registration number on the exam registration form. If you do not yet own a copy of PHPP, one can be purchased from our website here. Please allow at least one week for shipping.
Course instructor
The instructor for this course will be Michael Nemeth and Susan MacDougall
Professional development
Total number of learning hours: 22.5
BC Housing (HPO): 22.5 Informal
AIBC: 22.5 Core Learning Units
AAA webinar credits: self-reported
APEG credits: self-reported
ARIDO credits: self-reported
OPPI credits: self-reported
EGBC credits: self-reported
OAA: self-reported
Register soon
If insufficient registrations are received by 14 days before this course is scheduled to start, it may be canceled. While we do our best to plan our course schedule well in advance, course dates, venues and instructors are subject to change.
Cancellation and Refund Policy
Important: please read our refund policy, available in our Course and Exam FAQs page.