Archives: Events
The BC Energy Step Code Events Calendar is no longer being updated. Please visit the BC Green Building Event Calendar instead.
Week of Events
BCIT: CESA 1505 Zero energy buildings all-in-1 spring 2021
BCIT: CESA 1505 Zero energy buildings all-in-1 spring 2021
Course Details This 48-hour course (equivalent to CESA 1001, CESA 1110, CESA 1120 and CESA 1140 combined) will provide a comprehensive study of Part 9 residential Zero Energy Buildings (ZEB's) to ensure that that builders, designers, consultants and tradespeople have the applied knowledge to build to the Upper Steps of the BC Energy Step Code, … Continued
BCIT: CESA 1501 Passive House tradesperson, envelope specialization
BCIT: CESA 1501 Passive House tradesperson, envelope specialization
Course details This 48-hour course will provide a comprehensive study of residential Passive House construction to ensure that that builders, site supervisors, general contractors, tradespeople, and designers or consultants have the applied knowledge to build to the Passive House standard. Students will learn from industry experts and develop an applied understanding of the Passive House … Continued
Webinar series: Building for the future
Webinar series: Building for the future
FREE webinar series - open to everyone - offered by the City of Abbotsford. Description The City of Abbotsford has teamed up with BCIT to provide a 5 part- series … Continued
Indigenous youth in home energy workshop
Indigenous youth in home energy workshop
Don’t miss out on the Indigenous Youth in Home Energy online workshop. Hosted by Aboriginal Housing Management Association (AHMA) and the Fraser Basin Council First Nations Home EnergySave program. Description … Continued
Decarb Lunch Series: Does it cost more to build a high-performance home?
Decarb Lunch Series: Does it cost more to build a high-performance home?
Free webinar hosted by ZEBx and HAVAN as part of ZEBx's Decarb Lunch Series. Description The Province’s CleanBC charts a course for net-zero energy-ready homes by 2032. That’s Step 5 of the BC Energy Step Code for Part 9 buildings. Between now and then, the CleanBC plan sets Step 3 as a minimum requirement by … Continued