The BC Energy Step Code Events Calendar is no longer being updated. Please visit the BC Green Building Event Calendar instead.

Passive House Building Enclosure Control Layers

Master Class hosted by Passive House Canada Water, Vapour, and Air Control for Large Passive House Projects Control layers are materials and systems of materials that are specially designed, selected, and detailed to control water, vapour, and air. They are placed throughout the building, from the roof, walls, and floor to the below-grade enclosure assemblies, … Continued

ZEBx Decarb Lunch Series: Airtightness Testing for Part 3 Buildings

Free webinar courtesy of ZEBx This month, ZEBx will discuss BC Energy Step Code Airtightness Testing for Part 3 buildings. In July 2020, a demonstration airtightness test was performed at the University of British Columbia's Mundell House, a six storey multi-unit residential project. Hear from the project team as they discuss their experience with the … Continued