Part 3 Energy and Zero Carbon Design Checklists

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Learn about the checklist

The Part 3 Energy and Zero Carbon Design Checklists (the Checklists) are a voluntary Excel-based checklist for energy modellers and design professionals to be submitted to local authorities to verify compliance with the BC Energy and Zero Carbon Step Codes.

The tool gives industry and local authorities a consistent way to gather and review modelled performance characteristics of Part 3 Energy and Zero Carbon Step Code buildings at both the pre-construction and as-built stages in a similar way to the Part 9 Compliance Checklists, but tailored to the performance characteristics of larger buildings.


The Checklists are for buildings containing major occupancies complying with Subsection 10.2.3. of the BC Building Code. They are intended to capture the requirements of Articles and of Division C of the BC Building Code, as well as local government bylaw requirements for energy use and emissions reductions in buildings. Portions of the building that are subject to Subsection or (b) of Division B of the BC Building Code should also be included in the checklist.

The form should not be used for projects complying entirely under Subsection or (b) of Division B of the BC Building Code.

When and how to use the checklist

Not all sections apply to all buildings, so read the instructions carefully.

To demonstrate compliance with the BC Energy Step Code, information must be submitted at

  • The Building Permit stage, showing the ‘As Designed’ results
  • The Occupancy Permit stage, showing the ‘As Built’ results

Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJs) may request the checklist at other development review stages. Using the same checklist for different stages makes it easier for all parties.

This checklist may be used for any of the development review stages of complex buildings:

  • Pre-Application or Application
  • Rezoning Application
  • Development Permit
  • Building Permit
  • Occupancy Permit

Latest checklist, effective May 1, 2023 (BCBC 2024 and BCBC 2018 Rev. 5)

Earlier checklists, effective Sept. 2020-Apr. 30, 2023 (BCBC 2018 Rev. 2-4)

Page last updated: July 19, 2024